Butterflies Return (2)

 I checked out this butterfly on line and discovered that it's called a "Mourning Cloak." Here's the coloring-in picture that I created for this butterfly.

Mourning Cloak butterfly Coloring In

There are some gorgeous pictures of mourning cloak butterflies, which show the deep brown color on their wings as having intense red highlights. One website describes this color as "dark brown/maroon." The spots around the edge of the mourning cloak's wings are sky blue. A website where you can pictures of butterflies is: https://www.saveourmonarchs.org/blog/butterfly-identification-101 


  1. If you search on "what color is maroon" then there are pictures that contrast maroon with burgundy, so think of maroon as being dark red like a good wine. I noticed a comment that dictionaries disagree about the color maroon, with different descriptions of it.

  2. Here's just one picture that compares and contrasts maroon and burgundy: https://www.schemecolor.com/burgundy-maroon-colo-scheme.php


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